Are you more likely to come up with a creative idea if you produce many ideas? This question is at the core of the "equal-odds" rule, formulated by Dean Keith Simonton, who has observed that highly creative individuals tend to put out a lot of ideas. Pablo Picasso is, perhaps, best known for his masterpiece Guernica, which attempts to translate the horrors of war. However, over the course of his career, he produced over 25,000 individual pieces of art. Beethoven, Curie, Hemingway—all have their best known work (e.g., 9th Symphony, discovery of Radium, Old Man and the Sea), but few know the dozens, or even hundreds of works that lie beneath such masterpieces of creative accomplishment. But these famous examples are far removed from the rest of us, who strive to be creative in our daily lives. So, we attempted to determine if the quantity of ideas led to higher quality of ideas, by using the Foresight test from the Johnson O'Connor battery.
